How blockchain could solve pharma’s counterfeit drug problem
The pharmaceutical drug industry historically has been siloed, heavily regulated, and resistant to change. But as it comes under enormous pressure to monitor supply chains for accuracy and safety, some startups are suggesting blockchain technology as a possible solution. Source: Samsung Next Learn More Here!

Hong Kong: the new capital of healthtech?
Hong Kong is a more accessible place to do business compared to Mainland China for several reasons: red tape and overhead costs among the aspects that are significantly reduced. Source: Gooruf Learn More Here!
DSCSA blockchain project enters second phase (iSolve Participating)
A project looking at the potential use of blockchain to establish security and trust between trading partners in the US medicines supply chain has reported its first findings. Source: Securing Industry Learn More Here!

iSolve Asks the Experts: Gary Ross, Partner at Ross and Shulga Law Firm
Robert Panetta speaks with Gary Ross, Partner at Ross and Shulga Law Firm, about the legal blind spots that Blockchain Companies Face.